Well I hope everyone had a Happy Christmas, I had a long Christmas Eve Sauna late into the evening, which was amazing, then spent 2 days watching too much TV, as well as all the other normal stuff.  I bought myself a present in the sales, although most of what I wanted wasn’t on sale 🙁   Anyway, I am back to normal now, and around for the rest of the year, what there is left of it anyway.


I woke up this morning and turned my phones back on,  I couldn’t believe on one phone I had missed calls on Christmas and Boxing day, most of the calls were at  silly o’ clock, another good reason to keep the phone off overnight so I don’t get woken up.  There is no point in me being around on those days as 99% of people who see me are English and celebrate Christmas with their families, how would the average person be able to sneak out from a family party to see me ?.  A 1am call to a mistress usually means someone is drunk or not quite right, so go straight on to the “do not see” list.


A note on anal toys/dildos/butt plugs, I have toys in every size I can safely use with a condom on, so there is no point in me adding to my collection really, unless I break one/have to replace one.  Any one wanting very large toys really needs to buy their own, I realise you can boil dildos to serialize them as well as using a strong disinfectant, but personally I am not comfortable with just that.  If I was going to see someone myself I would not want a dildo used on me unless it was covered and sterilized, so I treat other people as I would like to be treated.  That is my philosophy, if I were in your place, what would I want/expect.  I am able to store clothes/toys on behalf of anyone sessioning with me if there are things you cannot hide at home, just ask about this when you come to see me, I also don’t mind things being delivered here on your behalf if that makes things easier.


Anyway, I hope everyone has had an enjoyable few days off, and a happy new year.

