
A very action packed day today, I forced my victim into some red panties I have bought specially for him (as in a previous blog), then got his cock into the San Quentin cock cage, which took some work as he got hard the minute he walked in the door, however, a bowl filled with ice and some ice cold water did the trick to shrink him, I made him dip his cock into it to calm it down enough to fit.  His cock was then locked away while I gave him a good spanking, followed by trying every mode on my E-Stim 2b to the maximum he could take, followed by ass fucking him while he lay down on a bed face down and pinned down by me, with a big purple dildo.  Surprisingly when he left he could still walk straight.


He did look incredibly tarty bent over balls handing out of the panties in the cage!  so many masculine looking men love to wear ladies panties, I wonder when I am out if I had x-ray specs how many guys I would catch out.

