If you are coming to see me by train, and more of you are as I am not far from a mainline station.  Please make sure you look up the timetable to check you can get to me for the time you book.  Also check for train delays before you leave for the station.  Unfortunately most people coming to see me by train are at least 30 minutes late mostly due to not getting the correct train or thinking one will magically arrive as and when they want to transport them to me.

I am not in central London, so trains in the home counties are not like tubes and along every few minutes, especially on Sundays where the trains can be once an hour and stop everywhere on the way.  Someone today, booked me and got to totally the wrong station, and I could not longer see him as he would have been an hour late.  So please plan your trip carefully to avoid having to turn back home on a long and potentially expensive journey.
